A Bio-fertilizer is a substance which contains living microorganisms, when applied to seeds, plant surfaces, or soil, colonize the rhizosphere or the interior of the plant and promotes growth by increasing the supply or availability of primary nutrients to the host plant. Bio-fertilizers add nutrients through the natural processes of nitrogen fixation, solubilization, and stimulating plant growth through the synthesis of growth-promoting substances.
Culture: Azotobacter chrococcum (CFU: 5 x 107 / g)
Mix 2 – 3 kgs / acre with the soil / Farm Yard Manure (FYM) /vermicompost after 2 or 3 days maintaining adequate moisture and broadcast.
Mix 6 – 10 g / kg of seeds in required volume of water and add a small lump of jaggery, mix well, shade dry (15- 20 mins) and ready for sowing.
Dissolve 1 kg of Azotobacter in 20 -30 liters of water and dip the seedlings for 30 minutes before planting.
Mix 250 g / 200 liters of water and apply near the root zone.
Azotobacter chrococcum produces enzymes like Nitrogenase, hydrogenase , these will help to convert the atmospheric nitrogen into ammonium/nitrates which can be uptake by plants,thus it fixes the nitrogen in the rhizospear. Azotobactor also synthesizes the some of the biologically active substances such as phytohormones there by stimulate the plant growth.
Cereal crops such as paddy, jowar, cotton, millets, oilseeds, plantation crops, vegetables, and all other non-leguminous crops.
In both Powder and Liquid form.
Culture: Azospirillum lipoferum (CFU: 5 x 107 / g)
Mix 2 – 3 kgs / acre with the soil / FYM / vermicompost after 2 or 3 days maintaining adequate moisture and broadcast at the last ploughing.
Mix 6 – 10 g / kg of seeds in required volume of water and add a small lump of jaggery, mix well, shade dry (15- 20 mins) and ready for sowing.
Dissolve 1 kg in 20 -30 liters of water and dip the seedlings for 30 minutes before planting.
Mix 250 g / 200 liters of water and apply near the root zone per acre area of cropped area.
Azospirullam produces growth promoting substences like auxins, gibberellins which promotes the root proliferation; root branching and rootlet density thus results in increased uptake of minerals and water from the soil.
Cereal crops like Paddy, millets, Sugarcane, oilseeds, fiber crops.
Both Powder and Liquid form
Culture: Rhizobium leguminosarum (CFU: 5 x 107 / g)
Mix 250 g of RHIZOBAC in 200 liters of water and apply near the root zone per acre area.
Mix 6 – 10 g / kg of seeds in required volume of water and add a small lump of jaggery, mix well, shade dry (15- 20 mins) and ready for sowing.
Dissolve 50 – 100 g in 20 -30 liters of water and dip the seedlings for 30 minutes before planting.
Rhizobium colonize the plant cells within root nodules, where they convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia and then provide organic nitrogenous compounds such as glutamine or ureides to the plant. The plant, in turn, provides the bacteria with organic compounds made by photosynthesis.
All crops such as Cereal crops like Paddy, Maize, millets, Sugarcane, oilseeds, cotton, vegetables, floricultural and plantation crops.
In both Powder and Liquid form.
Culture: Frateuria aurantia (CFU: 5 x 107 / g)
Mix 2 – 3 kgs / acre with 50 kgs of soil / FYM / vermicompost / acre and after 2 or 3 days maintaining adequate moisture and broadcast.
Mix 2 -2.5 g / kg of seeds in required volume of water and add a small lump of jaggery, mix well, shade dry (15- 20 mins) and ready for sowing.
Dissolve 1 kg in 20 -30 liters of water and dip the seedlings for 30 minutes before planting.
Mix 250 g / 200 liters of water and apply near the root zone per acre area of cropped area.
Frateuria aurantia produces organic acid and enzymes that helps to solubilize the fixed potassium in to exchangeable form and make it available by plants.
All crops
Culture: Bacillus megatherium (CFU : 5 x 107 / g)
Mix 2 – 3 kgs / acre with 50 kgs of soil / FYM / vermicompost / acre and after 2 or 3 days maintaining adequate moisture and broadcast.
Mix 2 -2.5 g / kg of seeds in required volume of water and add a small lump of jaggery, mix well, shade dry (15- 20 mins) and ready for sowing.
Mix 250 g / 200 liters of water and apply near the root zone per acre area of cropped area.
Bacillus Megatherium secrets organic acids and some enzymes which converts the insoluble phosphate into soluble form which can be easily uptake by plants.
Cereals (Paddy, wheat, maize, barley), Pulses (Soybean, greengram, chickpea, bengalgram, redgram), Oilseeds (sunflower, groundnut, mustard, coconut, soybean), cotton, jute, vegetables, fruit and plantation.
Culture: Bacillus thio oxidase
CFU: 5 x 107 / g
Mix 2 – 3 kgs / acre with 50 kgs of soil / FYM / vermicompost / acre and after 2 or 3 days maintaining adequate moisture and broadcast.
Mix the inoculants uniformly with the seeds gently with the minimum amount of water taking care to avoid damage to seed coat. Dry the inoculated seeds under shade over clean paper or gunny bag and sow immediately.
Dissolve 1 kg in 20 -30 liters of water and dip the seedlings for 30 minutes before planting.
Mix 250 g / 200 liters of water and apply near the root zone per acre area of cropped area.
Bacillus thioxidase oxidizes and produces organic acid which help in the mobilization and fixation of zinc thus makes it available to the plants. It also brings down the soil pH and helps in recover the alkaline oils.
Jowar, Bajra, Wheat, Maize, Paddy, Cotton, Sugarcane, Oilseeds (sunflower, groundnut, mustard, coconut, soybean)Vegetables, Grass, Fruit trees and Ornamental plants.
A symbiotic network of fungal fibers aids in the root elongation for better water and nutrient absorption for healthy growth of the plants.
Broadcasting at 4-7 kgs / acre alone or mix with other organic or chemical fertilizers, irrigation should be provided within 24 hrs of application.
Apply Dr.VAM powder @ 100-150 gm/acre through Fertigation, drenching, Or Seedling treatment @ 10 gms / lit of water.
Place one tablets near the root zone at the time of transplanting for small seedlings (e.g. tomato, chilli, etc seasonal vegetables & flowers), @ 2-3 Tablets in case of horticultural plants.
Soil, seed treatment, seedling dip.
All crops except cruciferous plants (e.g. Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, Brussels sprout, radish, turnips etc).
Granular, powder, tablet forms.